
Stephen Curry: The Music Man

By News May 26, 2020 | 8:02 AM

If you know anything about Stephen Curry, he is a one of the best basketball players of all time. He is also father of 3 young children…all under 8 and one still in diapers.

Anyone who is a parent knows, you know a dirty diaper when you smell it. In most cases, when your child in a group of other kids, you know which one is your’s. In this world of quarantine/social distancing, your improvisation skills are honed. He decided, since the family is all at home, he would memorialize the time together. Everything from what the kids are doing to him doing yard work…and then there are the diaper changes. In this case, Steph Curry sang a song that most of us, who are parents, won’t soon forget. It’s pretty funny…and it is pretty accurate

Forward in to 2:09 to see the song.