
Dirty Dancing Fail…And This One Is Scary

By News Jan 18, 2021 | 8:54 AM

On Christmas Day, one of the most iconic moves in movie history was re-enacted by a MIllie Slennett, who is a professional dancer, and her boyfriend, the dancing scene with Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey (pre nose job).

The problem was that alcohol was involve. While she was a professional, her boyfriend wasn’t and she was a bit too loose to pull it off…and the expected happened…and it looked like it could have turned out bad…like REALLY bad.

Thankfully, everything turned out ok, but even Millie had to admit that this could have had a broken neck, paralysis or death.

The take-aways here.

  1. Don’t try to re-enact movie scenes when you are drunk
  2. Even drunk professionals can’t do difficult movie scenes when you are drunk.